Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hospital-Day 1

Just a cute picture for you to think about as you pray.

Amelia is in the hospital for pneumonia. She got sick on the 8th with a cold but seemed to be getting better last week, she went to school and therapy and was doing well. Last night she took a turn for the worse and developed a fever. She had a rough night and I took her in to see her pediatrician this morning. At the visit her oxygen saturation was low and they suspected pneumonia. She was stable enough that I was able to drive her to St. Elizabeth's (and not take an ambulance ride). When we got here they ran a bunch of tests, started an IV (the anesthesiologist got it on the first try!), IV fluids, antibiotics, breathing treatments, oxygen through her nose. Everything is coming back negative, we haven't talked to anyone about the x-rays but we are assuming it is pneumonia. She has a fever of 101 and is pretty irritable. She has cried 4 times since yesterday which is amazing and SO heartbreaking. If you don't know Amelia has cried maybe 10 times in the last three years (seriously, she never cries, unless she is hurting bad). So her crying is a big deal.

Miles has a cold so we are having to find help at home with him. Thanks to Chelsey Kelly and Leah for watching him today. Steve will be going home soon and I will spend the night here. We will see what tomorrow brings.

You can pray for peace and healing. When Amelia gets sick it sends me into a tizzy. Over the past three years I have learned to deal with the brain damage and as things seem to be going well I forget how fragile and at risk she is. Then when she is sick and sad I get depressed, worried and all around crazy. Steve keeps it together pretty well but I know it is hard on him too. Miles doesn't really know what is going on yet just that we are all on edge.

I am stealing the internet from somewhere (they don't have internet in the patient rooms, what century are they in?), but will try to update a couple of times a day. We don't know how long we will be here but at least a couple of days.

Thanks for your prayers,



  1. hi friends. we love you a lot. and we're praying.

  2. Agreed. We love you and are praying for you. Let us know if we can help with anything. (I want to come by the hospital, but also don't want to get in the way. Call or text if you want some company.)

  3. Friends, We too love you and are praying. And Simon is praying that "the doctors know what to do."

    Could you use some meals? I can bring one and/or spread the word if that would be helpful.

  4. jen- let me know what we can do. praying for sweet mia and the family. Love you guys.

  5. Oh I'm so sorry Jen. We are praying for all of you. We love you.
    The Riggs

  6. Praying. Love you all.
    The Koenigs

  7. We are praying. I wish we were closer!!! Love you guys!

  8. We are praying for all four of you! Love!

  9. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I am available most nights and weekend if you need help with Miles. I will pray for Amelia's comfort and healing and that you will feel the presence of the love of Christ in your fear and sadness. We love you.
    Mike and Michelle

  10. We're sure thinking of you and praying for all of you. We love you!
