Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hospital Day 2

Amelia is stable and has been able to rest. Her fever is staying down without medication and she does not need oxygen. They have her on two antibiotics plus chest percussion. Really we are just waiting to see how the next few days go. We still don't know how long she will have to be on IV antibiotics.

What they think is that the infection never really went away and after we finished the oral antibiotics on Monday what was left in her body just took off, making her sicker than before.

Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes. We appreciate them all and will keep you posted.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amelia in the hospital again

Amelia developed a fever this afternoon and we took her to the ER. After running the full array of tests they are saying her pneumonia never went away and is now worse than before. She will probably have to stay in the hospital for a longer course of IV antibiotics.

She is stable and does not need oxygen. Just has a high fever (that is down with meds) and is restless, tired and irritated.

Pray for sleep (for both of us), healing and wisdom. I will keep you posted as I am able. Hopefully my mom will fix my laptop (that Miles broke) tomorrow and I will have a portable computer again (thanks Tredways for the use of your screen:)).

My mom will be here tomorrow then Miles will be at preschool on Friday but I may be calling those of you who said you could help with him.


Monday, September 20, 2010


We were released from St. E's this morning. Amelia is doing well and settling into life back home. She took a much better nap without the distractions at the hospital and is playing with Miles and Steve right now. Pray for continued healing and recovery.

My friend Raynah came over and gave me at least an hour massage. She is a massage therapist and has a portable table. It was amazing. After the massage I got to take a long nap. What a life! I feel groggy but it is better being groggy than exhausted:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hospital-Day 2-3

Day 2 was pretty uneventful. Amelia improved a lot. She got off oxygen and kept her saturation above 95% most of the day. She continues to be on an IV, breathing treatments, oral steroids and antibiotics. Steve stayed with Amelia most of the day so I was able to be at home with Miles and get a bit of a nap. Terri took Miles for the evening so I could go to church then so Steve and I could spend some time together here at the hospital. The food here is not very good, thanks to the Mackerill and Adams families for a great lunch and dinner.

Last night was not so great. She kept her saturation up (except one time when she refused to cough and really needed to) but she would NOT sleep. I am not sure what the problem was, tummy, uncomfortable bed, who knows what but neither of us slept. Now she is sleeping in her wheel chair and I may try to get some zzz's too. Good luck to me with that here at the hospital:)

Will update when I hear from the doctor this morning. I am thinking we will have to stay another night but pray that we get to go home today.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hospital-Day 1:2

Riding a horse on Friday. Read below for the story.

Amelia is doing well. Oxygen saturation are up and she is on less oxygen (0.25 L/Min). Fever is down and she hasn't had tylenol in a while. She is having trouble getting to sleep because of the clicking sound the IV makes (she has supersonic hearing). Chrissy and I moved it as far away as possible but she is "all done" with the IV. Maybe soon I keep telling her.

On a good note we had a great time riding and hanging out with horses on Friday. I have been wanting to do horse therapy with Amelia for a while but with all that we have going on it just hasn't happened. Several weeks ago I was telling my friend Raynah about this desire and guess what, she just happens to ride horses at a friend's house near Lincoln. We finally got a time worked out and wow, it was so much fun!

When we arrived at the "ranch" Amelia was annoyed from the car ride and tired from therapy (probably she was starting to get sick too). I thought we would just stay for a bit then have to leave. But as soon as the horses sniffed her and she heard and felt them breathe she relaxed and loved it the entire time. The horses loved her too. I was a bit nervous because I am not really comfortable with riding horses but because she was loving it so much we decided to try riding too. We all did great (Amelia and I riding, Raynah leading and Jake (was that his name?) letting us ride. We are looking forward to another trip soon. Thanks Raynah for thinking of it, organizing and making it happen. You are awesome!

Hospital-Day 1

Just a cute picture for you to think about as you pray.

Amelia is in the hospital for pneumonia. She got sick on the 8th with a cold but seemed to be getting better last week, she went to school and therapy and was doing well. Last night she took a turn for the worse and developed a fever. She had a rough night and I took her in to see her pediatrician this morning. At the visit her oxygen saturation was low and they suspected pneumonia. She was stable enough that I was able to drive her to St. Elizabeth's (and not take an ambulance ride). When we got here they ran a bunch of tests, started an IV (the anesthesiologist got it on the first try!), IV fluids, antibiotics, breathing treatments, oxygen through her nose. Everything is coming back negative, we haven't talked to anyone about the x-rays but we are assuming it is pneumonia. She has a fever of 101 and is pretty irritable. She has cried 4 times since yesterday which is amazing and SO heartbreaking. If you don't know Amelia has cried maybe 10 times in the last three years (seriously, she never cries, unless she is hurting bad). So her crying is a big deal.

Miles has a cold so we are having to find help at home with him. Thanks to Chelsey Kelly and Leah for watching him today. Steve will be going home soon and I will spend the night here. We will see what tomorrow brings.

You can pray for peace and healing. When Amelia gets sick it sends me into a tizzy. Over the past three years I have learned to deal with the brain damage and as things seem to be going well I forget how fragile and at risk she is. Then when she is sick and sad I get depressed, worried and all around crazy. Steve keeps it together pretty well but I know it is hard on him too. Miles doesn't really know what is going on yet just that we are all on edge.

I am stealing the internet from somewhere (they don't have internet in the patient rooms, what century are they in?), but will try to update a couple of times a day. We don't know how long we will be here but at least a couple of days.

Thanks for your prayers,


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Give Amelia A Lift

Our Goal
...It’s our hope and desire to help the Allen Family purchase a van with a wheelchair lift. As Ameila grows up, it has become more of a challenge to lift her in and out of a vehicle. A new wheelchair lift will make going places much easier for the Allens and for all the volunteers who help with Amelia.

How You Can Help
There are three ways you can particpate:
1. Sign up for the “Give Amelia a Lift - Golf Tournament”
2. Join us for the Wine and Cheese Event
3. Make a Financial Donation

Golf Tournament
When : Saturday, October 9th at 10:00 a.m.
Where: Woodland Hills Golf Course - Near Eagle, NE
Details: 4 person Scramble • $100 per person
($55.00 for the green fees are not tax deductible)
RSVP to Andrew at
or call 402.310.6269. Please make checks payable to Redeemer Church with Amelia/Golf in the memo line. - 745 ‘D’ Street, Lincoln, NE 68502.
Sign-Up: The last day to sign up is Thursday, Sept. 30.

Wine and Cheese Event
When : Saturday, October 9th at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Rob and Carla Nixon’s Home - 3045 Van Dorn St. Lincoln, NE
The purpose of the Wine and Cheese Event is to raise money for the van, to learn more about families with disabilities, and how we can encourage and support them. There will be an opportunity to make a financial contribution at the event.

Financial Donations:
Please make all checks out to Redeemer Church with Amelia in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to Redeemer Church at 745 ‘D’ Street, Lincoln, NE 68502. Our goal is to raise $25,000 to cover the cost of the van and wheelchair lift.

You can also watch this short video made by David Houfek