Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hospital Day 3

Amelia is slowly getting better. Her white blood cells are down and fever is staying down and she has not needed any supplemental oxygen. They are pretty sure they have her on the correct antibiotic and will change her to an oral form soon. She will have to be on oral antibiotics for 2 weeks probably. She will have another chest x-ray and some additional blood work tomorrow and we will see where to go from there. Oh, she has needed IV fluids so she needs to tolerate enough food and water before we can go home. Maybe Sunday, more than likely it will be Monday that we are able to go home.

We are both going to nap right now, so this is "all she wrote".


1 comment:

  1. Praying for sweet Amelia and for all of you as you weather this storm! We love you and wish we could be more "tangible" help.

    The Leverings
