Sunday, October 10, 2010

Give Amelia A Lift - Part 1

Golfers lined up for the shotgun start.

Amelia with Team Sumerlin.

The event was a HUGE success! Amelia had a wonderful time at Woodland Hills . We had 48 golfers participate and all involved had a treat time. The weather was beautiful, almost hot, and the scenery was amazing. What a beautiful fall day.

We were very impressed by the facilities at Woodland Hills. Everything was well organized and put together. I was most impressed by the GPS video screens on each of the carts. They had the hole sponsors and all the golf information up to the minute.

A picture of the GPS screen.

Several of us drove golf carts around the course, cheering on the golfers and snapping pictures. Amazingly Amelia loved the ride. It was bumpy but the breeze felt good in her face and I think the bouncing actually helped make her cough (which is good as she is still recovering from pneumonia).

Amelia is loving it!

Driving the cart.

Congratulating the winners!

Chrissy came to get Amelia and Miles to take them home for lunch and naps. As we were preparing her to leave she kept looking right, which means "no". Then when she got home she did not want to eat or nap, typical three year old behavior! I love it when she is sassy and shows her personality. She loved all the attention and knew that she was the guest of honor. She soaked up all of it!

We ended the afternoon with a prize ceremony and watching of football at the clubhouse. Thank you to all who participated. For more pictures see the Redeemer Church facebook page.


  1. It's awesome that so many golfers came out! Great photos, Jen.

  2. i love to hear about amelia's "sassiness" : )
