Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baclofen Pump redux

Hello Friends,

Wanted to post a quick update. Obviously a lot has happened since I last wrote...Amelia is 6 and in Kindergarten, she LOVES school which is such a blessing for us. We are so thankful for all her teachers and helpers. She has an amazing team who work hard to engage with her and love her.  Amelia has been so happy lately smiling and even laughing. She has been communicating more (more on how she does that later) and showing us her spunky and opinionated personality. WE LOVE IT!!

The main reason for this update is to seek your prayers for Amelia's upcoming surgery. We are going to try to do the baclofen pump again. Dr. Puccoini has a plan to overcome the issues we came across last time and he is confident it will work. We are scared. Scarred that it won't work, that there will be surgery complications (she will be under anesthesia a long time), that there will be post-op complications, and most of all that we will be disappointed again. We have agonized over this decision for two years and don't see any other options. The hope is that she will have less pain and more function of her extremities. That she will be more engaged and alert. We are confident that this is the right decision.

God has been gracious (as always), he has brought many friends to pray with us and patiently listen to our fears. He has surrounded us with his love and peace (even if it is only in moments). At my most difficult time a couple of weeks ago I sensed God reminding me that it will be OK. When I say it will be OK I am not sure what means exactly but I do know the following: He has all of us in his loving hand, he is my rock, my fortress, my shield (all in Psalm 18), he holds all our tears in his bottle (Psalm 56), he sees us and understands and makes provisions for us (Genesis 16), He is acquainted with with grief (Isaiah 53) and the list goes on. I am not confident that the surgery will happen without difficulty or that Amelia will be healed by it but I am confident in the God who is here.

Please plead to the God who is here on Amelia's behalf and pray that we would be strong and courageous so she will not sense our fear.

All is grace,
Jen (for all of us)


  1. Thanks for this update, Jen, and thank you for being real about your fears. When Priya was first diagnosed, Simon's prayer was that her mommy and daddy would be brave. I wouldn't have thought to ask that, but out of the mouths of babes...We will pray the same for your family. Much love to all you Allens

  2. Praying for you all. Much love from the west coast. :)--Kerri

  3. I pray that God would surround you with His comfort and peace, and praise Him that He is sovereign and He is good.

  4. Praying. Thanks for publishing this so we can intercede for you all!

  5. I'm praying for your family as this surgery approaches. I'm always blessed every time I interact with you or Steve and my soul is encouraged as I watch you interact with your daughter and bravely face each next bend in your journey. You are all much loved--the Lord be gracious to you. :-)

  6. Praying. we love you guys!

  7. Praying for Amelia and all of you.

  8. Thanks for letting us pray with you! So glad to know how.
    Hugs to you, and we will lift ya'll up right now.
    Kelly Johnson

  9. Praying for you all, Jen. Thank you for letting us pray with you and for sharing your heart as you trust God with your sweet girl. I am already amazed by your strength and courage, and I will pray for even more.

    Christi Stockhaus

  10. prayers for tomorrow! love you!
