Sunday, May 2, 2010


Here are some pictures of our spring thus far. We have had a great time exploring and just spending time outside.

Some of the items we found in our back yard during a nature walk.

Amelia loved getting her hands dirty.

Beautiful girl with my beautiful Lilacs that finally bloomed this year.

Miles loves to help with the garden. So far he has only dug up one cucumber plant. He's not so much helping in this picture but I had to put one in of the cute cloth diaper butt.

Amelia enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of spring.


  1. Lovely! Way to get the kids out in the garden.

  2. so fun guys- i bet she LOVED playin in that dirt! :) love miles in his diaper too.. so cute! thanks for posting pictures- i really enjoy looking and reading about your fam!
    love you guys
