Thursday, February 4, 2010


Amelia started preschool at Clinton Elementary. It is a big old school on the north side of Lincoln. Our home school does not have an Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classroom so we were placed at Clinton (the only opening in the morning). Thankfully we all love it. The teacher is wonderful, the paras are great and the therapists are too. Amelia's team consists of a special ed teacher, 2 para-educators, 1 speech therapist, 1 occupational therapist, 1 physical therapist, 1 technology specialist and 1 nurse. Quite a team! Everyone is taking a few weeks to get to know Amelia but things are going great so far.

Every day Amelia comes home so happy and ready to "tell" us about her day. Her favorite part so far is singing. She has helped pick out the song the last few days. She likes Wheels on the Bus best, what can I say, we have been singing that song for a long time. I remember not knowing what to do with Amelia when we first got out of the hospital. All of the usual kid stuff was gone I couldn't see past the meds, tube feeding and doctors apts. Jo Russel Brown from the Delta Gamma Center in St. Louis helped me to see that I could do some "normal" things with Amelia, like singing songs. Amelia has a connection with others through singing and music.

We take Amelia to school in the morning and she rides the bus home. The HUGE yellow bus backed down our street for the first time last week. I was so scared for Amelia (and me) about the bus ride, but she did great.

Miles and I are enjoying some mornings away from therapy too, we were able to go to Mom 2 Mom today and enjoyed some time with friends. We couldn't be happier with our new routine.


  1. This is so exciting to see. Thanks for sharing such joyful photos with us!
    (Every Christmas I write out that list of folks who work with Lily and just laugh when friends comment on getting two teacher gifts!)

  2. That photo of Amelia getting into the bus is priceless! She looks so cute!!

    It was good to have you at Mom to Mom again. : )

  3. Way to go, Amelia!! We miss you! Carter was pretty jealous that you get to ride home in a school bus! He loved looking at the pics!!

  4. Cora says, "One day I gonna ride a 'chool bus too!" Thanks for sharing your lives!

  5. look "all grown up" on the bus....I am so thankful that you are loving school!

  6. I want to see more pictures :)
    Thanks for the updates. We miss you.
    Liz and Marty
